Massage Therapy

Medical Massage –  To evaluate and treat specific area (s)that may involve to provide relief and education to recover from injuries using blended  techniques listed below and possibly others.

Sports Massage – deep tissue for after event recovery, lighter work for energizing and warming up before event or that recovery work from over training.

Neuromuscular – deep work with accupressure, trigger points and muscle stripping followed by Swedish for calming muscles afterwards.

Myofacial – stretching techniques used to release scar tissue from previous injuries or trauma passively.

Prenatal – a special gentle massage for the mother to be to provide comfort and relaxation.

Cranial Sacral – a gentle trigger point work to release neck, lower back and tension in jaw and skull.

Swedish -A classic soothing massage to reduce and induce relaxation, work that can be light, medium or deep depending on your needs.

Chair – relaxation or stress release for 15 minutes – good for offices visits or relaxation parties

Aquastretch – Myofacial work in warm water pool – active work by you and the facilitator

Alternative Water work  – Passive deep tissue and stretching work in warm water pool.

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